The Government of Alberta announced short-term reforms to the auto insurance system. This includes “Good Driver” rate protection.
You are eligible for “Good Driver” rate protection if you have:
- No at-fault claims in the last six years
- No Criminal Code traffic convictions in the last four years
- No Major traffic convictions in the last three years
- No more than one Minor traffic conviction in the last three years
There are exceptions to the “Good Driver” rate protection:
- You move from a lower-risk rating territory to a higher-risk rating territory (as defined by your insurer)
- You add a new driver to your policy who has a poor driving record
- You acquire a new vehicle, or modify your existing vehicle
Examples of “Major” driving convictions:
- Distracted driving
- Failing to remain at the scene of an accident
- Speeding in a school zone or playground zone
- Exceeding the speed limit by more than 50 kph
- Failing to stop for a school bus.
Examples of “Minor” driving convictions:
- Speeding, but less than 50 kph over the limit
- Following too close
- Failing to stop and/or failing to yield
To find a full list of what traffic offences are considered “major” or “minor,” refer to the Grid Guidance.