For Drivers

Guide to Shopping for Auto Insurance

Download our Guide to Shopping for Auto Insurance to help you through the insurance purchasing process.



Guide to Shopping for Auto Insurance

Our Guide to Shopping for Auto Insurance is a tool to help Alberta drivers find the right balance between how much you pay for auto insurance and the level of coverage you receive.


Shopping the Market Worksheet

This worksheet offers a place to record the information an insurance company will generally need to accurately quote you a premium. Complete this worksheet and keep it handy when speaking with an agent or broker.


Understanding Alberta's Auto Insurance: A Guide for Alberta Drivers

Auto insurance should be easy to understand. Alberta drivers have told the AIRB they need insurance policy information in plain language. While we cannot change the policy wording we can offer information to assist drivers to understand their coverage.


10 Reasons Why Rates Increase

Discover the ten reasons why auto insurance rates increase.


10 Ways to Reduce Your Rate

Discover these ten easy ways to reduce your auto insurance costs.